
글로벌 링크

Council Introduction Organization


  • Chairperson
    • Vice-chairperson
      • Standing committee
        • Steering Committee
        • Administration and Welfare Committee
        • Industry and Construction Committee
      • Special committee
      • Chief of administration
        • Special advisors
        • Council Management Team
        • Council Administration Team
        • Policy Support Officer

Council Members

Council Members
Chairperson Vice-chairperson Members Subtotal
1 1 9 11


Subtotal Grade 4 Grade 5 Grade 6 Grade 7 Grade 8 Grade 9 public affairs
24 1 2 5 10 3 1 2


County council members are representatives elected based on the four principles of election - universal suffrage, equal election, direct election, and secret election. They are elected to a 4-year term. Hongseong County Council is currently comprised of 11 members elected from 3 eups and 8 myeons.

Chairperson and Vice-chairperson

The council has a chairperson and a vice-chairperson for two years, both elected by anonymous voting by members in a council meeting. The chairperson plays the pivotal role of representing and controlling the proceedings and order of the council as well as monitoring the administration of the council. The vice-chairperson takes over the role in case of emergency.

Council meeting

The final decisions of the council are made in a council meeting. The meeting consists of all council members and is held only if more than one-third of members convene. Except for rare cases, the council rules in favor of a decision if more than half of the members convened vote yes.


In order to deal with agendas and petitions that require attention, each committee brings such issues to a council meeting to proceed with them.


The Council Administration, established to deal with the council's general affairs, has a chief of administration and staff.

주소 및 연락처, 저작권정보